Event Details

VenantCorp is anticipating to locate possible shade to host homeless during the upcoming winter. By requisitioning unused public buildings and donations of premises from the private sector, VenantCorp hopes to accommodate a hundred families and distribute this year more than 10,000 hot meals. Join us in this collective effort to give a hope to vulnerable people. Donate today.

Shelter and hot soup during winter is crucial to survive. The increasing number of homeless worsen by the COVID-19 adverse requires us to anticipate and prepare more means to help vulnerable people. Every action is important and can save lives. Your involvement and your donation is the key for lives saving.

  • Assisting senior consultants in projects:
  • Assisting senior consultants in projects:
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Collaborate with technology, informations security, and business partners
  • Find and address performance issues.
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Event Mission

Quand les temps sont difficile, un coup de main donné aux plus nécessiteux n'est jamais de trop. As we begin to prepare for winter today, we can give joy and hope to thousands of our fellow Americans who live day to day and homeless. A place to sleep and a hot meal every day during winter is possible, if we work together to achieve this goal.

Our Vission

Our collective action helps to restore hope to those who are less fortunate and to improve living conditions in the most disadvantaged and underserved regions. COVID-19 hardship hit many families and many of them will still be struggling for years to come. Lending a helping hand is what we all can do to save lives and give hope.

  • All They Want
    Access Clean Water
  • Just Food
    to Survive
  • Education
    For Every Child
    06 Dec
    Shade and Hot Soup for Homeless This Winter.
    • Organized by: Brianna Betchem
    • Venue: Silver Spring, Maryland
    • Phone: +1 301 905 2846
    • Email: winterhope@venantcorp.org

    Event Sponsor

    • Shade and Hot Soup for Homeless This Winter.