The fight against poverty is described with images of hunger people, specifically of young kids and women in developing countries. These images published in support of actions against poverty tend to ignore the realities of our cities in developed societies, were millions of people live under United Nations poverty defined line of $1.9 per day. If the 736 million people in the world identified as living under that defined poverty line are mostly in small fragile and conflict-affected countries, hundreds of millions poor people belong to  our big, strong, rich, and peaceful developed countries such the U.S.A, China, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Russia…
Industrialized countries tend to mask these populations living in very poor conditions, using different reasons such mental health, and sometimes “the laziness” to justify and give themselves some moral comfort, giving the increasing poverty in developed countries. More and more people and families can’t meet the daily income and kids are then forced to leave the school system and  wandering around the neighborhoods, abandoned to themselves, and into the challenging pathway of drug, gangs, prostitution, and criminality, while parents multiply small jobs trying to make ends meet.
While Venant Corp is working to leverage capacity in developing countries with the goal to mitigate living conditions of underserved communities, actions are going on with our donors support to point-out the increasing poverty of the populations in our big cities and the precarious conditions of families and children of school age. our future actions will consist in highlighting, the dangers of this situation that does not seem to move the public authorities whose more intense involvement would help to limit the short, medium and long-term effects on the society and on our economies.
Poverty in “developed” countries is more dangerous and more difficult to face, of cause of the denial of its existence by the living forces of our societies, and especially of the individualism to excess, carried by the savage capitalism that pushes to pay no attention to those who are not making it.