Drug Free Zones initiatives,

Fighting illicit drug consumption is a day to day synergy of actions developed in sensitives neighborhood by local groups of young in Africa. The developing experience named “Drug Free Zones” is handled by involved young in their neighborhood to improve the quality of life and bring back safety and hope. In two years, some neighborhoods have drastically change by the conjunction of actions between the young and the local authorities. 
 Responsibility and Anxiety
Fighting to exist has never been more important in the young life that it is now. The world population is getting younger every year, giving more and more responsibilities to the youth that must carry the legacy to ensure life continuity. In developing country the average age in some countries is under 18 which could be an interesting advantage for the development, if the economic system was shaped to absorb the resulting work force. Unfortunately the conditions of employment, and available opportunities make it harder for the young population of these developing countries to access opportunities or to build up. Consequently, thousands of young in prey to drug abuse, alcoholism, and prostitution.
The situation is all the more worrying since even those who have done good school cursus are struggling to find a place on the labor market. The Employment support is not organised and the entrepreneurship training is not efficiently developed. The banking system is closed to project financing and makes it difficult for small business and idea for small business to grow.
In developed country, the challenge is not less critical. The impression of better life conditions hides a catastrophic torment that is a melting pot for a large part of young.
The actions put together in support of these initiatives include the creation of local young associations that bring the young together to build-up local activities and workshop to discuss development subjects, education support, strategies to prevent illicite drugs in their communities, jobs opportunities, entreprenership and small business development.
Venant Corp, initiator of this approach, converges resources and wills in support of these initiatives. You too, you can make a difference through your Donation. Any penny given will contribute to sustain these initiatives and will be a step forward to healing our neighborhoods.
Venant corporation in developing countries helps to create an essential climate that allows people to easily achieve these goals, by a direct impact to the underserved populations, and by a direct contribution to the emancipation of fragile and deprived populations.
Venant Corp identifies the reasons that make it difficult for marginalized and underserved communities to surmount the challenges that they are facing. We undertake the appropriate analysis to find the best way to help these communities through a studied process involving main voices of the community and achieve solutions that are appropriate and understandable by the involved parties, with the aim of achieving the best results possible.